Quantum Key Distribution
Commercialization of Quantum Cryptography (including Quantum Key Distribution systems and related Quantum Technologies) is carried out under the seQre trademark by the CompSecur sp. z o.o. company within a R&D cooperation with Wroclaw University of Science and Technology implemented since 2005

Technological developments in Quantum Cryptography include:

  1. The seQre entanglement and non-entanglement Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems
  2. Deployment of entanglement and non-entanglement QKD metropolitan network
  3. Quantum Random Numbers Generators (QRNG) development and prototyping
  4. Work on international industry Quantum Technologies standards related to QKD and QRNG
  5. Engagement in national and international initiatives in Quantum Technologies development
  6. Patenting of systems and devices related to Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Technologies
  7. Specialized training and consulting in regard to Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Technologies
  8. Further related R&D activities

If you represent a company or an institution interested in deployment or other business cases for Quantum Cryptography please contact us with a Request for Proposal (RFP) or learn more about the state-of-the-art in this technology by reading further on.

The below sections specify advanced details on the corresponding above listed fields of activity in commercialization of Quantum Cryptography and related Quantum Technologies:

1) The seQre entanglement and non-entanglement Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems

Upon over 15 years of R&D in quantum cryptography we commercialize the following seQre QKD systems:
  • seQre Aurora – non-entanglement QKD system – (critical fiber optic connections security)
  • seQre Eclipse – non-entanglement QKD system – (critical fiber optic connections security and R&D lab platform)
  • seQre Crystal – entanglement QKD system – (critical fiber optic connections security and R&D lab platform)
Integrated non-entanglement based seQre QKD systems (Aurora and Eclipse)
Quantum optics components and electronic components integrated in the QKD system enabling the implementation of quantum key distribution without the use of quantum entanglement, enabling commercial applications and experimental research and development in the field of non-entangled quantum cryptography:
  • Technical specifications:
    • Quantum optoelectronic modules integrated within 2 end stations connected by optical fibers (WDM compatibility), computer controlled by means of hardware and software architecture, enabling commercial appliacations and research and development work (R&D platform)
    • Includes laser photon source and detectors based on avalanche diodes (thermally stabilized)
    • Uses qubit coding on photon phases (auto-compensated interferometers)
    • Implementing BB84 and other tangle-free protocols (e.g. B92 or SARG04)
    • Implementing One-Time Pad (OTP) and AES encryption
    • Implementing the key distillation protocol
    • Implementing procedures for key reconciliation (reconciliation) and strengthening privacy (amplification)
    • Implementing interface software (in the protocol and service layer together with procedure libraries enabling system programming)
    • Maximum transmission range: at least 50 km (Eclipse) and at least 100 km (Aurora)
    • Secret key rate: at least 1 Kbit / s over a distance of 25 km (Eclipse) and at least 10 Kbit / s (Aurora)
    • Possibility of system synchronization with external electronic and optical elements
    • Working temperature from 10 to 30 ° C
    • Technical warranty: 24 months
  • Order: contact us with RFP
Integrated entanglement based seQre QKD system (Crystal)
Quantum optics components and electronic components mounted in an integrated QKD system capable of performing quantum key distribution by means of quantum entanglement, which enables commercial applications and experimental research and development in the field of entangled quantum cryptography:
  • Technical specifications:
    • Quantum optoelectronic modules generating quantum entanglement of photon polarization states, integrated within 2 end stations in both fiber-optic (WDM compatibility) and telescopic (free laser beam) configurations, computer-controlled by means of hardware and software architecture that enable commercial appliacations and research and development work (R&D platform)
    • Implementing a procedure for generating quantum entanglement of photon polarization states (carrier of quantum information qubits) by passing a laser beam through a strongly birefringent BBO crystal as part of a spontaneous non-linear electrodynamic parametric down conversion process (SPDC)
    • Including a laser source and detectors based on avalanche diodes (thermally stabilized)
    • Implementing BB84 as well as the E91 QKD protocols based on quantum entanglement (including the implementation of key sifting, key distillation, error correction and privacy amplification)
    • Equipped with integrated electronic control systems and interface systems (including synchronization systems)
    • Implementing a software package with source codes (containing programmable libraries along with their source codes to allow functional reprogramming of the configuration)
    • Maximum range of data transmission by optical fiber: at least 10 km
    • Maximum range of wireless data transmission: at least 500m
    • Secret key rate: at least 1 Kbit / s over a distance of 10 km
    • Working temperature from 10 to 30 ° C
    • Technical warranty: 24 months
  • Order: contact us with RFP
All systems are offered upon the preceding Request for Proposal (RFP) initially specifying deployment requirements. The costs of the deployment are proposed as dependent on the business case specification. More details on seQre QKD system commercialization:
Quantum cryptography commercialization strategy: Commercial information brochure for quantum-secured ATMs: Technological achievements summary: Investment prospect: Annex 1 to the stage 1 project report “Support for patent procedures and protection of industrial property rights in the area of commercialization of quantum cryptography” – results of the research subject to commercialization and patent protection obtained in the course of the project “Research and development towards the commercialization of quantum cryptography in non-entangled and entangled systems”: Annex 2 to the stage 1 project report “Support for patent procedures and protection of industrial property rights in the area of commercialization of quantum cryptography” – identification and analysis of the activity of the main quantum cryptography area representatives on the international market :

2) Pilot deployment of entanglement and non-entanglement QKD metropolitan network

Historic outline of pilot network deployments in the field of quantum communication and related activity:
  • First Polish national entangled QKD systems co-implemented with Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) – 2013-2017
  • December 2013 – February 2014: The first pilot implementations of prototype entanglement and non-entanglement QKD systems within the Wrocław QKD Network (3-nodes fiber optics backbone metropolitan telecommunication network), the world’s third pilot metropolitan implementation of a joint non-entanglement and entanlement based QKD network in Wrocław after Vienna and Tokyo, more on the technical details at: https://seqre.net/seqre2014/wroclaw.php)
  • January 2014 – December 2019: Research cooperation with AIT as part of the Austrian QKD-TELCO project in development of entangled QKD systems in backbone telecommunications networks (dark fiber)
Technical details:

3) Quantum Random Numbers Generators (QRNG) development and prototyping towards commercialization of the integrated QKD systems

Further significant achievements were also made in the development Quantum Random Numbers Generators. A key achievement, an Entanglement QRNG protocol with public randomness verification without compromising its secrecy has been published in Scientific Reports available at https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-56706-2. An important aspect of this achievement (which was first made public in December 2017 patent application) is that it specifies a quantum protocol for verifying the randomness of a binary sequence distribution. Exactly this solution, as it turned out, was a central element of Google’s success from October 2019, widely recognized as a breakthrough in quantum computing achieving the state of so-called quantum supremacy by presenting the architecture and implementation of the 53-qubit Google Sycamore quantum computer capable of performing tasks unattainable for classic computers due to computational complexity, precisely in the area of ​​randomness verification distribution of the binary string, which, as we have shown in the above mentioned publication, was the key result of our previous work filed for patenting in December 2017, i.e. about two years before the publication disclosing Google’s specification. In addition, the technical concepts developed by us during the implementation of the first stage of the project, the quantum randomization verification model were adopted by a 150+ members of the Quantum Standardization Group in the Quantum Randomness Generation Workgroup of the European Information Technologies Certification Institute as a set of three accepted technical reference standards for quantum randomness generation using entanglement, with significant connection to the architecture of the Google Sycamore quantum processor (more information at https://eitci.org/technology-certification/qsg/eqrng), The inclusion of R&D results achieved by the seQre platform were part of the European reference standards for new information and communication technologies efforts in the quantum area, supporting the Quantum Flagship initiative of the European Commission. These actions were implemented by the seQre team in cooperation with EITCI Institute under the StandICT Horizon 2020 project (more information at https://www.standict.eu). The aforementioned achievements in the field of QRNG (especially in connection to the technological breakthrough of the so-called Google quantum supremacy), constitute an important milestone in new generation of QKD systems commercialization.

4) Work on international industry Quantum Technologies standards related to QKD and QRNG

September 2013 – present: Participation in the international activities of the QKD ISG standardization group under ETSI and of the QSG standardization group under EITCI. More details: ETSI QKD-ISG:
The EQRNG-QSG accepted Reference Standards based on the iterated RFC initial technical specifications drafts include:

5) Engagement in national and international initiatives in Quantum Technologies development

EuroQCI in Poland
European Commission DG DEFIS – Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space – Call for Ideas for Recommendations on Research & Innovation (R&I) topics in Quantum Technologies for Space Based Systems:

6) Patenting

Report on the technology state of the art evaluation within the project “Support for patent procedures and protection of industrial property rights in the area of commercialization of quantum cryptography”: Report on the technology state of the art evaluation within the project “Support for patent procedures and protection of industrial property rights in the area of commercialization of quantum cryptography” – Appendix A – information pages of the analyzed patents: Report on the technology state of the art evaluation within the project “Support for patent procedures and protection of industrial property rights in the area of commercialization of quantum cryptography” – Appendix B – analyzed publications: Report on the economic validity of applying patent protection to the quantum cryptography research results within the project “Support for patent procedures and protection of industrial property rights in the area of commercialization of quantum cryptography”: Quantum cryptography commercialization strategy within the project “Support for patent procedures and protection of industrial property rights in the area of commercialization of quantum cryptography”: Patent applications:
  • UPRP P.424145 [WIPO ST 10/C PL424145] Patent
  • Entanglement Quantum Random Number Generator with public randomness certification – not disclosed yet
  • UPRP P.424146 [WIPO ST 10/C PL424146] Patent
  • The One-Qubit Pad (OQP) for entanglement encryption of quantum information – not disclosed yet
  • UPRP P.424142 [WIPO ST 10/C PL424142] Patent
  • Quantum Entanglement Currency (QEC) – not disclosed yet
  • UPRP P.424143 [WIPO ST 10/C PL424143] Patent
  • BANQOMAT – QKD secured ATM system – not disclosed yet
  • UPRP P.424144 [WIPO ST 10/C PL424144] Patent
  • Quantum Entanglement Digital Signature (QEDS) – not disclosed yet
  • UPRP P.355071 / PL203033 Patent
  • Quantum dots device for generation of coherent far-infrared radiation achieving population inversion in a QD matrix

7) Specialized training and consulting in regard to Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Technologies

In cooperation with EITCI Institute, CompSecur sp. z o.o. has extensively participated in development of the training and certification programmes on Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Information Technologies. On the basis of this work the following EITC Certification Programmes has been carried out:
EITC/QI/QIF Quantum information and quantum computation fundamentals Introduction to quantum mechanics: quantum information formalism (Hilbert space, norms and measures, wave functions, orthogonal and non-orthogonal vectors, ON basis, unitary and hermitian operators, spectral decomposition of operators, Dirac notation, introduction to functional analysis), Quantum mechanics postulates: quantum state, unitary evolution and Schrödinger-Heisenberg equation, quantum measurement (von Neumann projection, Zurek’s induced superselection), Tensor product and quantum entanglement; quantum paradigm of information: definition (information as quantum state, sources of information), Unit of information (qubit), Representation on Bloch sphere, Bell states, Measure of entanglement and quantum information (von Neumann entropy), Schmidt representation, Quantum measurement of qubits, EPR and basics of locality and realism: breaking the Bell inequality, Non-local correlations of measurement results, Quantum teleportation, Superdense coding, Quantum circuits theory: Quantum logical gates (one-qubit Pauli gates, Hadamard gates, phases, multi-qubit CNOT gates, Toffoli gates, Fredkin gates), Universal set (CNOT and one-qubit gates), Reversability of quantum information processing by unitarity of systems’ evolution, Quantum algorithms implementation (implementation of quantum Fourier transform – exponential acceleration, implementation of quantum teleportation); Quantum security aspects: Shor’s algorithm for factorization, no-cloning theorem, non-deleting and non-broadcasting theorem, Quantum Key Distribution; Practical realizations of quantum computer: decoherence, DiVincenzo criteria, trapped ions technology, NMR, Quantum dots (orbital and spin degrees of freedom), Quantum information over topological degrees of freedom EITC/IS/QCF Quantum cryptography fundamentals Classical approach to secure information communication: general idea of secure communication channels, private key cryptography, public key cryptography, authentication, noisy channels (errors detection, errors correction, errors detection and correction in Ethernet networks), weaknesses of classical cryptography; Unconditionally secure quantum channels conception (unconditional security of communication, Vernam cipher, One-Time-Pad cryptosystem); Quantum information: fundamental quantum information principles and postulates (definition of the qubit, the No-Cloning theorem), quantum information processing in practice; Quantum Mechanics applications towards protection of classical information; Quantum Key Distribution without use of entanglement: fundamental properties of polarized photons, Bennett and Brassard BB84 protocol, Bennett B92 protocol, Quantum Key Distribution with use of entanglement: quantum entanglement and quantum measurement outcomes correlations, EPR paradox, Bell inequalities violation, CHSH inequality violation, entanglement based Ekert E91 protocol; QKD secured communication channels: potential attacks on the quantum key distribution scheme, quantum channels with noise, privacy amplification (PA), authentication, complete scheme of secure communication, theoretical security analysis and assessment; Practical quantum cryptography implementations: QKD systems prototypes (MagiQ, idQuantique), DARPA quantum network (network structure, implementing technologies, software network layer, IPsec protocol extensions towards integration with the QKD by means of IKE implementation), European Framework Programme SECOQC project (integration of different QKD technological implementations), standardization, commercial solutions and their applications; Other applications of quantum mechanics in cryptography: bit commitment and quantum coin tossing, quantum random numbers generators, alternative ways of implementing eavesdropping proof communication channels (Kish protocol), future and perspectives of quantum cryptography.

8) Further related R&D activities

Projects for industrial research and development co-funded by the European funds:
  1. Publications, conference presentations, research results gathered on the Resources page – https://seqre.net/resources
  2. “Prace badawczo-rozwojowe w kierunku komercjalizacji kryptografii kwantowej w układach bezsplątaniowych i splątaniowych” / „Research and development towards commercialization of non-entanglement and entaglement quantum cryptography”, PO IG PARP, UDA-POIG.01.04.00-02-043/11-00, 2012-2014
  3. “Badania nad nowymi protokołami kwantowej dystrybucji klucza w układach splątaniowej kryptografii kwantowej” / „Research and development on the new quantum key distribution protocols for entanglement-based quantum cryptography”, Innotech Hi-tech, NCBiR, INNOTECH-K1/HI1/20/159087/NCBR/12, 2013-2015
  4. “Wsparcie procedur patentowych i ochrony praw własności przemysłowej w obszarze komercjalizacji kryptografii kwantowej” / „Support for patent and intelectual protection procedures in the area of commercialization of quantum cryptography”, Patent+ NCBiR, PP3/W-32/D-2223/2014, 2015-2017
  5. “JURAND – Narodowy Kwantowy Generator Liczb Losowych” / “JURAND – National Quantum Random Number Generator”, PO IR NCBiR, POIR.01.01.01-00-0173/15-00, 2016-… (project in progress, completed 1st stage, two prototypes of randomness generators, PhD thesis)
  6. “Quantum Random Numbers Generation Standardisation (QRNGS)” 2019-2020 (implemented under StandICT H2020 Programme, aiming at initiating international cooperation and workgroyp responsible for first industry technical reference specifications of quantum randomness generation technology in cooperation with international standard-defining bodies (i.a. NIST, CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, IEC)
Research infrastructure: KTK/NLTK PWr.: KTK / NLTK PWr .: quantum cryptography laboratory, quantum optics components, SPDC quantum entanglement generation systems (BBO), single-photon detectors and sources, optical and semiconductor components, computational cluster, non-entanglement QKD systems (phase coding in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer) , entanglement QKD systems (polarization entanglement); CompSecur sp. z o.o.: SPDC quantum entanglement generation systems (BBO), single-photon detectors and sources, computational cluster, entanglement and non-entanglement QKD systems, prototype QRNG systems Awards and recognitions:
  • “Gazeta Prawna” (“Law Newspaper”) Award for Innovative Company of the Year 2012 for CompSecur sp. z o.o.
  • First prize in the Technology category at the International Conference on Advanced Communications 2014 in Paris
  • Selection of Wroclaw entanglement-based QKD Network as one of the “7 wonders of Wroclaw” in Science category as a part of the exhibition within the celebration of Wroclaw as the European Capital of Culture in 2016
  • Recognition within the “Feynman: Quantum information and computation” session at the International Symposium on Quantum Technology 2018 in Aberdeen UK for the presentation of a semiconductor quantum randomness generator prototype
Media publications:
Technical publications:
Find more publications in the Resources section. We encourage you to contact us, should you have any questions or inquiries regarding deployments or cooperation.

If you are interested in ordering seQre QKD system please contact us sending your Request for Proposal (RFP)


Design of the seQre QKD systems (Crystal Alice & Bob):

One of the seQre QKD systems deployed in standardized network server rack architecture:

The seQre QKD systems in a real network environment use standard optical fibers and Ethernet network cables:

Front-view of the seQre QKD systems in a server rack:


One of the important business-cases for QKD is securing ATMs and their networks against the so called skimming attacks. More details on this application can be found in a corresponding commercial information brochure:


The optical infrastructure is determined by the city telecommunication canalization layout. Dark fibers connecting two, even not very distant metropolitan locations physically sharing an industry-standard telecom line with many parallel fibers (constituting the initial P2P topology and medium for QKD network) are divided in a series of thermally welded interconnections and junctions at telecom canalization crossings, which are main reason for decoherence and quantum signal losses, resulting with increased QBER and with infeasibility of key distribution in practical scenarios (this is specifically addressed to dark fiber infrastructure of metropolitan backbone telecom networks with multiple interconnections of telecommunication optical lines, which are implemented by thermal weldings – a connection between two locations separated by ca. 4-5 km distance, is usually divided by even several fiber weldings).

Research on QKD prototypes deployment in practical telecommunication network environments resulted in evaluation of boundary conditions for QKD feasibility versus quantum channel and transmission parameters and a successful resolution of channel quality problem by proper alignment of experimental QKD setups. The fiber optics line of the SMF28 standard has been used to test different connection and welding configurations for two QKD prototype approaches based no-entanglement protocols (encoding qubits on interfering phase shifts of laser impulses in Mach-Zehnder interferometers) and the entanglement protocols (encoding qubits on polarizations of entangled photon pairs generated in non-linear PDC process in a BBO crystal).

The main optics fiber line (single mode SMF28 standard) has been subsequently modified in laboratory test runs by welded or interconnected F3000/APC and FC/PC adapters. The interconnectors resulted with high QBER increases, thus favoring thermal welding which in proper proximity distribution were characterized by ca. 10 times lower loss induction than interconnectors (ca. 0.01 dB per welding, depending on the proximities). Next the industry standard telecom fiber optics line tests have been carried out towards welding and interconnections configuration optimizing in regard to QBER and conditioning of the metropolitan network deployment.

Primary focus was directed towards the non-entanglement based setup which turned out to be operating properly with an acceptable raw key exchange rate (RKER) generating targeted amount of distilled secret bits (DSB) under laboratory simulation of real optic fiber backbone metropolitan network configuration with required optimization of interconnections and welding infrastructure. The entanglement based QKD prototype has been tested for the first time in a real telecom network environment and proved to be also feasible but within a very narrow gap of optical elements alignment and poor values of QBER and RKER with high additional instability of operation parameters, which require further components development (especially in compensation of optical alignment). Learn more on Wrocław QKD Network.


Stemming from Consortium for Monitoring of Quantum Cryptography R&D established at the SEQRE 2014 Symposium – https://seqre.net/seqre2014 – the Quantum Standards Group (QSG) hosted by EITCI Institute joins international experts in relevant fields who are interested in quantum technologies standards development, adoption and dissemination. The support of quantum standards specifications in areas such as QKD, QRNG, QC will lead to a faster creation and adoption of such standards by international Standards Developing Organizations leading to a faster uptake of the quantum technology.

The group promotes cooperation in relevant workgroups towards implementation of R&D projects, technological development and deployments focused on defining, supporting and disseminating quantum technology standards. The EITCI QSG activity supports the Quantum Flagship initiative and is a part of the StandICT project of the European Commission Horizon 2020 program.

The list of Members of the EITCI QSG group was last updated on 22nd November 2019. The up-to-date listing of the Members can be found at EITCI QSG LinkedIn Group.

Reference Standard for EQRNG – Theoretical Concepts – RS-EITCI-QSG-EQRNG-THEORY-STD-VER-1.0:

Reference Standard for EQRNG – Protocols, Processes, Devices and Operative Principles – RS-EITCI-QSG-EQRNG-PROTOCOLS-STD-VER-1.0:

Reference Standard for EQRNG – Testing and Verification Schemes including Sustaining Secrecy – RS-EITCI-QSG-EQRNG-TESTING-STD-VER-1.0:


Patenting of novel hardware and protocol technical solutions is a key element of the Quantum Cryptography commercialization efforts. The R&D carried out resulted in the following two new quantum systems patents:

Entanglement Quantum Random Number Generator With Public Randomness Certification (WIPO PCT Patent):

The One-Qubit Pad (OQP) for Entanglement Encryption of Quantum Information (WIPO PCT Patent):


The presented below whitepapers represent the progress in the seQre Quantum Cryptography commercialization. Technological developments are concluded with the most recent paper of 2020 published in Nature Scientific Reports connected to the recent result of Google Quantum Supremacy.

Unconditionally secure communication protocol based on superdense conding – development of non-local entanglement based quantum communication concepts:

Towards Wrocław Quantum Network – industrial telecom testing and deployment of quantum cryptographic systems in a metropolitan network:

Wrocław Quantum Network – QKD deployment in a metropolitan network:

Testing of influence of polatrization perutbation on dark channel in the system of entangled photons QKD

Quantum random number generators with entanglement for public randomness testing while preserving its secrecy for crypto-applications – seQre achievements in QRNG: